The song of October 2nd, 2014


Today’s song is kind of…angry. I mean, it’s not that I’m angry, but there are people who have tried to take me down. It is Playing God by Paramore.

On my way up, there have been people (I know there will always be people like that) who have told me “why do you do this?”, “this isn’t worth anything”, “you just want to be pretentious”, or even “you can’t do that”, “you don’t have what it takes” and stuff like that. And now I tell them “I could!” and “I did what I did because I wanted to, not to prove anything to you”. The only one I have to prove anything to is myself. So I work towards a better myself.

And, this song reminds me of that. There are people who try to “play God” and control your life. They want to impose their beliefs and bias to you so you can “be better”. I’m not saying it’s not right to take any advice, but a good ability is to identify which is the beneficial advice and which one won’t do very much.

I know, sometimes the advice we take is not the best; but it feels good to know that, if I failed, it was because of MY decision, not because of what someone else wanted me to do. It is a sign of authenticity. At the end, the errors we make only really affect us, so why would others bother about them?

And this also applies in the opposite sense. We shouldn’t try to control other people’s lives, because it’s theirs and they have the final word. We can help and give advice, but we shouldn’t force others to do what we want them to. I’ve learned that it’s very tiring to wait for another person to do what we want. I practice that and so I ask for the same respect to my decisions.

This reflection has certainly made me feel better, and so I thank you for reading. Enjoy the song!

– Karl

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